Product Title

Useful within Compare and ProductCard components, the ProductTitle component maintains the correct semantic hierarchical order of elements while arranging product name, model number and/or region flags in an attractive manner.


Model #36749

  • US
  • CA
<header class="ProductTitle ">
  <h4 class="ProductTitle-heading u-textWeightBold u-textSize2">

  <p class="ProductTitle-model u-textDarkGray">
    Model #35020

  <ul class="ProductTitle-flags">
      <img src="/images/icons/flags/us.svg" alt="US" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
      <img src="/images/icons/flags/ca.svg" alt="CA" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">

Useful within Compare and ProductCard components, the ProductTitle component maintains the correct semantic hierarchical order of elements while arranging product name, model number and/or region flags in an attractive manner.

Region Alternative

Model #66509

  • US
  • CA
<header class="ProductTitle">
  <h4 class="ProductTitle-heading">
    Region Alternative
  <p class="ProductTitle-model u-textDarkGray">
    Model #71461
  <ul class="ProductTitle-flags">
      <img src="/images/icons/flags/us.svg" alt="US" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
      <img src="/images/icons/flags/ca.svg" alt="CA" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">

Useful in the Product Summary composition, where it makes less sense for the model number to be above the title, since we show a serial as well.

Product Summary Alternative

  • US
  • CA
<header class="ProductTitle ProductTitle--summary ">
    class="ProductTitle-heading u-textWeightBold u-textGrow1">
      Product Summary Alternative

  <dl class="ProductTitle-details u-textShrink1 u-spaceTop06">
    <dt class="ProductTitle-detailTitle">Model</dt>
    <dd class="ProductTitle-detailContent">47560</dd>
    <dt class="ProductTitle-detailTitle">Serial</dt>
    <dd class="ProductTitle-detailContent">28098</dd>

  <ul class="ProductTitle-flags">
      <img src="/images/icons/flags/us.svg" alt="US" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">
      <img src="/images/icons/flags/ca.svg" alt="CA" class="Flag ProductTitle-flag" width="24" height="16">